Sue Young Histories

The Brant surname

May 17, 2009

brantThe Brant surname has contributed two homeopaths, though they do have a town named after them.

Cornelia Chase Brant Homeopath, Gynaecologist at Clemence Lozier’s New York Medical College and Hospital for Women and member of the Committee of Women Physicians of the General Medical Board of the Council of National Defense in World War 1.

Cornelia Chase Brant was thirty six, married, and had three children when she decided to study medicine. This slender, dark eyed wife kept up her housework ...

In 1914, Dr. Cornelia Chase Brant became the dean. Even at that time, no hospital facilities were open to women for internship except at that Hospital. The New York Medical College and Hospital for Women, though maintaining the standard required by the Regents of the State of New York, raised the entrance requirements, as did some of the other colleges to two years’ pre-medical college work.

During World War 1, Adelaide Brown served alongside homeopaths Cornelia C Brant, Rosalie Slaughter Morton and Florence Nightingale Ward on the Committee of Women Physicians of the General Medical Board of the Council of National Defense.

Alice R. Colver and Helen Brant Birdsall wrote Dream within her Hand, the story of Dr. Cornelia Chase Brant who became a famous homeopathic physician…

H. W. Brant of Goodland, Kansas, reported homeopathic growth in his state and of registration laws fair to all legitimate schools. (1890)


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