The Gibson Surname and Homeopathy
October 24, 2008
The Gibson surname has given us two
jobbing homeopaths, and two Consulting Physicians at Glasgow
Douglas Medlicott Gibson 1888 - 1977 FRCS
Edin. 1930, MB ChB 1913, MRCS Engl, LRCP London, 1912 St
Douglas Medlicott Gibson converted to homeopathy after a meeting with John Weir.
[Douglas Medlicott Gibson]( [was a distinguished homoeopath who recognised the importance of knowing the materia medica in depth](
These studies of remedies, first published in the British Homoeopathic Journal over the period 1963-1977, combine the panorama of each remedy with a faithful description of the mental and physical symptoms it elicits from a sensitive prover. The whole remedy is indeed used to treat the whole patient…
Douglas Medlicott Gibson studied medicine at St Thomas’ Hospital, London, subsequently taking the Edinburgh FRCS.
After many years as a medical missionary in China he came to study homeopathy at the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital, where he became first a Member and then a Fellow of the Faculty of Homoeopathy.
Douglas Medlicott Gibson practiced at The Mission Compound, East Suburb, Monkton, Manchuria, and at 121 George St, Edinburgh, and at Flat 4, 8 The Grange, London, SW19.
Douglas Medlicott Gibson’s Obituary is in The British Homeopathic Journal 1977 66, p.247
Douglas Medlicott Gibson wrote Studies of Homeopathic Remedies _(written with the encouragement of Llewelyn Ralph Twentyman), _First Aid Homeopathy_, _Some Observations on Homeopathy in Relations to Psychoneurosis_ _The British Journal of Homeopathy, 43 (3), Bone Tuberculosis Among Women and Children in Manchuria, Tuberculosis Prevention, Fear And Homeopathy.
Robin Gordon Gibson c1937- 2002
Glasgow, husband of Sheila Lilian Marjory Gibson, ent Med. Reg. Aug
1960, MB ChB 1960, FFHom 1969, LMSSA London 1960, FRCPS Glas 1962, FRCP
Glas 1982, DCH, Consulting Physician at Glasgow Homeopathic
Hospital; retired
from Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital in 1992.
Robin Gordon Gibson’s Obituary is in Homeopathy in 2002.
Robin Gordon Gibson wrote Homeopathic therapy in rheumatoid arthritis: evaluation by double-blind controlled trial British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 9:454-9, 1987, __
Sheila Lilian Marjory Gibson c.1938-,
Glasgow, wife of Robin Gordon Gibson, ent Med. Reg. July 1962, BSc
1959, MB ChB 1962, MD 1969; Glasgow Homeopathic
Sheila Lilian Marjory Gibson is still in practice. Her web entry is here, and she writes:
I researched aspects of lead poisoning for my Doctorate in medicine and was then a lecturer in Medical Genetics at the University of Glasgow before joining my husband Robin at the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital to carry out research in Homeopathy and other Complementary medical techniques.
I obtained my MFHom degree from the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital.
With Robin, I published studies showing the benefits of Homeopathy in rheumatoid arthritis and house dust allergy (which classically presents with asthma and eczema). We also published our research on the use of the New Zealand green-lipped mussel in both rheumatoid arthritis and osteo-arthritis, the effects of a wheat-free diet in chronic degenerative diseases and in particular in chronic fatigue syndrome, the detrimental effects of fluoride on the immune system and the benefits of neural therapy in multiple sclerosis.
During this time we explored and practised a number of other aspects of Complementary Medicine including psychotherapy, hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming (NLP); the Australian Bush Flower Essences; electro-acupuncture; Shiatsu; Reiki; cranio-sacral therapy and more recently Bi-Aura and computerised bio-resonance techniques.
I now run a part time private practice in which I employ most of the therapies which I have researched and explored, using whatever therapy seems to me to be the most appropriate approach for the particular patient.
Robin and Sheila Gibson wrote Homeopathy for Everyone, Salicylates and homeopathy in rheumatoid arthritis: preliminary observations British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 6:391-395 with A D MacNeill, G H Gray, W C Dick, and W.Buchanan, The Place for Non Pharmaceutical Therapy in Chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Critical Study of Homeopathy The British Homeopathic Journal 1980: 69: 121-133 with A D MacNeill,
J Gibson is listed in the Homeopathic Medical Directory of Great Britain and Ireland in 1871.
R D Gibson wrote The place for non-pharmaceutical therapy in chronic R.A.: a critical study of homeopathy British Homeopathy Journal 69:121-123