Wilhelm Elwert 1793 - 1867
April 26, 2009
**Wilhelm Elwert **1793 -
was a German orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. Elwert was
a Court Councillor at the Prussian
In a dysentery outbreak in Hanover in 1846, Elwert did not loose one patient amongst 300, a figure which contrasts startlingly with the results from the allopathic physicians whose mortality rate was 10-20%.
Elwert was awarded an Eagle of the 4th Class by the King and Queen of Hanover in 1859.
Elwert was a low potency prescriber.
Elwert was a colleague of Georg August Heinrich Muhlenbein, George Adolph Weber,
Wilhelm Elwert practiced in Harberg, Hildesheim and in Hanover.
Elwert submitted cases and articles to various homeopathic publications.
Elwert’s Obituary is in Lexikon deutschsprachiger Homöopathen in 1867.
Of interest:
F Elwert was a homeopath in Hanover in 1865.
Samuel Hahnemann’s Autobiographie was originally published by Johann Kaspar Philipp Elwert, Nachrichten von dem Leben und den Scriften jetzlebender teutscher Aertze, Wundärzte, Thierärzte, Apotheker und Naturforscher. Hildesheim, 1799, voll, 195-201.
**Wilhelm Elwert Junior **was also a homeopath in Hanover.