Hans Hermann Julius Hager 1816 - 1897
May 21, 2009
Hans Hermann Julius
Hager 1816 - 1897 was a
German Surgeon and Pharmacist, an advocate of
and an honorary
of the American Pharmaceutical
Association, Hager gave out the
recipes of a number of secret
used by apothacaries, and analysed some of the common cosmetics of the
which together with his interest in
was enough to earn him a terrible retribution from his orthodox
Hans Herman Julius Hager was a colleague of Charles Neidhard,
Hans Hermann Julius Hager was born in Berlin on January 3, 1816, where his father was an army surgeon. He attended school in Torgan, he became a Surgeon to the staff of the Army and a Clinical Professor. Hager was an early proponent of the microscope.
The changeable life of his author, Hans Hermann Julius Hager, who was born in Berlin, is reflected in a contradictory way in pharmaceutical history. Although he never completed a study he reached the highest degree of pharmaceutical science as a genuine autodidact but was neglected and insulted during life time.
He died in very poor circumstances at Neuruppin, where he had come to live at his son’s place one year before his death.
Hans Herman Julius Hager’s Obituary is in the Proceedings of the American Pharmaceutical Association in 1897.
Hans Hermann Hager wrote Medicamenta homoeopathica et isopathica omnia, Pharmacopoea recentiores Anglica, Gallica, Germaniae, Helvetica, Russiae inter se collatae, Handbuch der pharmaceutischen Praxis, für Apotheker, Ärzte, Drogisten und Medicinalbeamte, Chemische Reactionen zum Nachweise des Terpentinöls in den ätherischen Ölen, Erster Unterricht des Pharmaceuten in 99 Lectionen, Technik der pharmaceutischen Receptur, Manuale Pharmaceuticum Seu Promptuarium, Kommentar zum Arzneibuch für das deutsche Reich, Untersuchungen. Ein Handbuch der Untersuchung, Prüfung und Werthbestimmung aller Handelswaaren, Chemisch-pharmaceutischer Unterricht in 103 Lectionen, Hagers parmazeutisch-technisches Manuale,
Of interest:
Ferdinand Ludwig Hager was a colleague of Samuel Hahnemann.