George Adolph Weber 1801 - 1879
September 16, 2009
George Adolph** Weber** (sometimes referred to as J A or J H Weber) 1801? - 1879? MD Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine at the University of Freyburg, Privy Counsellor and Royal Physician to Ernest Augustus I King of Hanover and Prince von Solms Lich and Hohen Solms, Consultant Physician at hospitals in Bremen and Hanover, was an orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy,
George Adolph Weber was the Court Physician of the King and Queen of Hanover and the Court of Hessen, who awarded him with the Knights Cross of the Order of Guelph in 1859.
Georg Adolph Weber was also a member of the Central Association of Homeopaths in Leipsig, alongside Albrecht, Baumann, Ernst von Brunnow, Pierre Dufresne, Anton Fischer, Carl Franz, Comte Sebastien Gaeten Salvador Maxime Des Guidi, Gaumann, Gustav Wilhelm Gross, Carl Georg Christian Hartlaub, Frantz Hartmann, Carl Haubold, Hofrath, Kretschmar, Kruger Hansen, Johan Joseph Wilhelm Lux, Moritz Wilhelm Mueller, Muhlenbein, Charles Gaspard Peschier, Frederick Hervey Foster Quin, Gottlieb Martin Wilhelm Ludwig Rau, Rohl, Mathias Roth, Ruckert, Rummel, J A Schubert, John Ernst Stapf, Suffert, Karl Friedrich Gottfried Trinks, Friedrich Wolf, and many others.
George Adolph Weber was also a colleague of Ernst Louis Ambrecht, Wilhelm Elwert,
George Adolph Weber was interested in Veterinary homeopathy, and he was a colleague of Johan Joseph Wilhelm Lux. In 1836, Weber published a study on the isopathy of anthrax, using a 30c dilution of purulent fluid from a gangrenous spleen (specific localosation in animals), and used this homeopathic preparation to cure anthrax in cattle and their herders who had caught the disease.
George Adolph Weber was present at the unveiling of the statue of Samuel Hahnemann in Leipsig on 13.8.1851,
George Adolph Weber also conducted provings of homeopathic remedies, and he submitted cases and articles to various homeopathic publications, and he recounts the cases of many of the farmers he had treated. George Adolph Weber also wrote Systematic Presentation of the medicinal effects of all remedied proved by George Adolph Weber, with a preface by Samuel Hahnemann writen in 1830.