Antoine Imbert Gourbeyre de la Touche 1818 - 1912
October 03, 2009
Antoine Imbert Gourbeyre de la Touche 1818
- 1912 MD was a French orthodox physician, Professor of Therapeutics and Materia Medica at the Medical School of Clermond Ferrand, who converted to homeopathy, to become President of the International Homeopathic Congress in Paris in 1867,
Gourbeyre was a colleague of Jose Nunez Pernia Marquis de Nunez,
Gourbeyre practiced in Nice,
A medical doctor, Imbert Gourbeyre, visited and examined as many of the nineteenth century stigmatics as he could, as well as examining and compiling evidence about other unusual religious phenomena such as the miracles reported at Lourdes, and his medical study of 1894, La Stigmatisation, I’extase divine, les miracles de Lourdes,
Near the end of the nineteenth century, an investigation by Dr. Antoine Imbert Gourbeyre (1818-1912) identified hundreds of cases (of stigmata) that had occurred up to that time.
According to this decision Prof. Dr. Imbert Gourbeyre de la Touche (1818-1912), Prof. at the Clermont Ferrand University, was excluded from the Rhone Medical Society in 1887. After this case was reported to a wide public, the theatre critic Francisque Sarcey strongly criticized the absurdity of Society’s decision, recalling the medical staff of “The imaginary sick” by Molière. In reply, he was advised by the Society’s newspaper La Province médicale (August 20,
- to judge only those matters he has studied; as to the expulsion of a member, the newspaper explained that the Rhône Society had considered that no physician can become a homeopath if he has not lost either his mind or his conscience.
Imbert Gourbeyre, who has made Arsenic an almost life long study, and to whom we owe so much knowledge regarding it, has studied this branch of its action in his Suites de I’Empoisonnement Arsenical lately {1880} published in VArt MMical.
Gourbeyre wrote Öffentliche vorträge über homöopathie, Des suites de l’empoissonnement arsenical, Etudes sur la paralysie arsenicale, De l’action de l’arsenic sur la peau, Lectures publiques sur l’homoeopathie, Memoir on arnica, Discours sur le origines chrétiennes de la médecine, Mémoire sur l’hypertrophie aiguë du coeur, Mémoire sur le prurit vulvaire, sur celui de la grossesse en particulier, Mémoire sur l’éphidrose (sueurs générales chroniques), Mémoire sur l’ipécacuanha, Histoire de l’aconit, Mémoire sur les propriétés antinévralgiques de l’aconit, Mémoire sur les éruptions antimoniales, Titres et travaux, Der Glaube und die medizinische Wissenschaft: ein Vortrag, Contractures des extrémités, De l’Albuminurie puerpérale et de ses rapports avec l’éclampsie, La stigmatisation: Les faits, Les stigmatisées, Les Stigmatisees: Louise Lateau de Bois-D’Haine (1873), L’hypnotisme et la stigmatisation, La stigmatisation l’extase divine, et les miracles de Lourdes, La stigmatisation: Analyse et discussion, Leçons sur le tabac: faites au palais des Fácultés de Clermont-Ferrand, De la mort de Socrate par la ciguë, Éloge de Michel Bertrand, Éloge historique de J.-B. Achard-Lavort, Recherches sur les solanum des anciens, Recherches historiques sur les paralysies consécutives aux maladies aiguës, and he also submitted cases and articles to various homeopathic publications, and he gave many public lectures on homeopathy, and conducted many provings of homeopathic remedies,