Robert Henryson Caird 1850 - 1917
November 13, 2009
[]( Henryson Caird 1850 - ?1917 of Southbroom House, Devizes, and Millwall, Sandwich, Kent, J. P. Wilts, (Reform Club), Head of the London Homeopathic Hospital.
The chairman of the House Committee of the London Homeopathic Hospital since 1908, and a Member of the Board of Management since 1904. Chairman of the Building Committee for the building of the Sir Henry Tyler Wing and the New Nurses Home, 1908-1911.
From When the new London Homeopathic Hospital was designed and rebuilt in 1895 it was arranged that a further wing facing west to Queen Square could be added at any time when it might be required.
The extension of the London Homeopathic Hospital building on the adjoining freehold ground, including the Queen’s Head public house, which by this date had been purchased for the purpose, was now very forcibly impressed upon the Board of Management. That there was now very forcibly impressed upon the Board of Management.
That there was an urgent need for enlargement was only too apparent when serious cases frequently had to be refused admission because there was no room to receive them. In one small section only of the In patients, nine women each waited over three months, and eight others waited over six months for admission.
The present London Homeopathic Hospital Building has now been in use for sixteen years, 1895 – 1911, and during the last eight years in the old building in Great Ormond Street the In-patients totaled: 1887 to 1895 ….. 5,680 In the next two periods of eight years in the present building the In patient had increased to: 1895 to 1902 ….. 8,150 In patients 1903 to 1911 ….. 8,699 do.
After much consideration the Board decided to enlarge the London Homeopathic Hospital, and with a view to starting an extension fund to build a new West Wing to the existing London Homeopathic Hospital, Henry Whatley Tyler, as already mentioned, contributed £10,000, the late Mrs. Rylands £5,000 (Enriqueta Augustina Rylands), Lord Dysart £2,000, the late Captain Cundy, Vice Chairman of the board, £1,000, C.M. £1,000, and with the assistance of many other warm friends and supporters of the London Homeopathic Hospital, the sum of £47,000 was soon raised for the purpose.
The President of the British Homeopathic Society Harold Wynne Thomas, the President of the previous British Homeopathic Congress James Johnstone, together with the Vice President of the International Homeopathic Council George Henry Burford, met by arrangement the Chairman of the London Homeopathic Hospital, Robert Henryson Caird to consider the necessary preliminaries.
Their consultation issued in the nomination of a Provisional Committee constituted by representatives of the principal homeopathic activities in Great Britain, and the publication of a statement of the case, with an appeal for funds to those favourably inclined to the work.
Thus did the leaders of British Homeopathy lead, and the response of the English speaking homeopaths the world over was immediate and maintained. Fortified by this support, the Provisional Committee nominated two Commissioners Ethelbert Petrie Hoyle and David MacNish to proceed to France to confer with the military authorities there, as well as with the principal homeopathic physicians in Paris.
As the issue of this investigation, the Committee decided to work under the auspices of the French Red Cross Society, and to internationalism as far as possible, the interest it was desirable to arouse of homeopathic supporters in this special procedure.
Of interest:
James Key Caird 1st Baronet 1837 – 1916 was a staunch advocate of homeopathy, and in 1866, James Caird was the Vice Chairman of the Association for the Trial of Preventative and Curative Treatment in the Cattle Plague by the Homeopathic Method, and on 17.10.1866, he wrote to The Times from the Hague to draw attention to the Association, and to the benefits of homeopathy.
Mona Caird (née Mona Alison, also called Alice Mona Henryson Caird) 1854? - 1932, sister in law of Robert Henryson Caird, was a Scottish novelist and essayist whose feminist views sparked controversy in the late 19th century.