Alfred Midgley Cash 1851 - 1929
March 07, 2009
Alfred Midgley Cash 1851 - ?1929 MD (Edin. 1876), MB, CM (Edin. 1873), MRCS (London 1876) (London, Edinburgh, Berlin, Vienna) was an English orthodox physician, FBHS member of the Devonshire Ass., member of the Royal College of Surgeons, the Royal Medical College, and Medical Consultant to the Scottish Ass. Co and the City Life Ass. Co., who converted to homeopathy, member of British Homeopathic Society, and a physician at the Torquay Homeopathic Dispensary in 1879,
Alfred Midgley Cash received a Certificate of Merit from Edinburgh alongside Sophia Jex Blake.
Alfred Midgley Cash trained at Edinburgh where he was a student of Joseph Lister (Alfred Midgley Cash was one of Joseph Lister’s dressers), alongside homeopaths Alfred Edward Hawkes, William Henderson, John Moorhead Byres Moir, Frederick Neild, William Cash Reed and many others.
Alfred Midgley Cash was the homeopath of Charles Thomas Pearce (Anon, Homeopathic World June 1st 1883, Obituary of Charles Thomas Pearce, (1883). Pages 276-277.) and Enriqueta Augustina Rylands,
Joseph Lister seemed unperturbed by the homeopathic leanings of his students, probably because they were also Quakers.
Alfred Midgley Cash was born in Birstwith Tormoham, Yorkshire, the son of John Walker Cash and Martha Cash, he and moved to live in Devon, and lived at Cross Street, Redruth, Limefield, Falkland Road in Torbay, and he also practiced in Devon.
Alfred Midgley Cash was married, to Ellen (or Nellie, born c 1858) and a daughter Mabel (born c 1887), (see comments at bottom of Enriqueta Augustina Rylands biogaphy) and he had another daughter named Florence, and possibly other children also..
Alfred Midgley Cash wrote The Diseases Common in Old Age, A Treatise on Electro Therapy, Some Types of Neuralgia and their Treatment,