Willmar Schwabe 1839 - 1917
September 15, 2009
Willmar Schwabe I 1839 - 1917
was a German Pharmacist who converted to
to become the founder of a multinational pharmaceutical company which is
still trading today. Willmar Schwabe and his sons have supported
homeopathy from 1866 to
Willmar Schwabe Pharmaceuticals has continued in business right up to the present day, spreading around the World, buying up pharmaceutical companies along the way, the company is now run by Willmar Schwabe III, who is responsible for the marketting of Ginko Biloba. Willmar Schwabe II was responsible for the introduction of Crataegus, and Echinacea in 1924.
William Schwabe I practiced in Liepsig, and from 1866, his pharmaceutical company Homöopathische Central Apotheke has been producing natural and homeopathic remedies, and homeopathic remedy kits, which he sold initially in Germany and then in India, and eventually around the World.
By 1912, Willmar Schwabe’s company was called the largest and most celebrated Homeopathic Pharmacy in the World (P.C. Majumdar (Ed.), The Indian Homeopathic Review, Volume 21, (1912). Multiple pages). In 1935, Willmar Schwabe II’s company was referred to as the largest and finest in the World (Anon, The Pacific Coast Journal of Homeopathy, Volume 47, California State Homoeopathic Medical Society, (1936). Page 128). Today, the international subsidiary of Schwabe exclusively marketing its homeopathic range, has a leading position in the homeopathic sector (Anon, Who’s who in the world herbal medical industry, (Herbal Medical Database Limited & McAlpine, Thorpe and Warrier Limited, 1993). Multiple pages).
In 1987, **Willmar Schwabe Pharmaceuticals**** purchased Boericke and Tafel, thereby entering the American market (Richard Grossinger, Homeopathy: The Great Riddle, (North Atlantic Books, 14 Aug 1998). Page 142). **
From 1870 onwards, Schwabe also opened a publishing house, which his son continued into the 20th Century. This publishing house published the Leipsig Popular Journal of Homeopathy _(which had a monthly circulation of over 55,000 copies)](http://www.feg.unesp.br/~ojs/index.php/ijhdr/article/viewFile/339/387), and was a [very influential and long lived publication](http://books.google.com/books?id=yEtYAAAAMAAJ&q=Willmar+Schwabe&dq=Willmar+Schwabe&lr=&ei=jsOvSo34H5W-zASN3f36BA), being the [official journal of the German Homeopathic Society](http://books.google.com/books?id=yEtYAAAAMAAJ&q=Willmar+Schwabe&dq=Willmar+Schwabe&lr=&ei=jsOvSo34H5W-zASN3f36BA) ([http://www.feg.unesp.br/~ojs/index.php/ijhdr/article/viewFile/339/387](http://www.feg.unesp.br/~ojs/index.php/ijhdr/article/viewFile/339/387) See also [_Int J High Dilution Res 2009; 8(27): 70-79. Peter Alex, Birthplace of homeopathy:Hahnemann’s house in Torgau, then and now. Internationales Homöopathiekolleg Torgau, Germany).
Willmar Schwabe published the 6th Edition of Samuel Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine, which Richard Haehl used to compile his version of this great book.
Willmar Schwabe also published ?wrote Veterinarnyi liechebnik: dr. W. Schwabe’s “Grosser illustrirter hausthierarzt”, Pharmacopoea homoeopathica polyglotta, Verzeichniss der gangbarsten älteren und neueren homöopathischen Werke, Lehrbuch der homöopathischen Therapie (which was reprinted into many updated editions by Willmar Schwabe II), Spezielles illustriertes Preis-Verzeichniss der Homöopathischen Central-Apotheke, Die cholora, ihre schnelle und sichere heilung durch die homöopathie, Mit 120 anatomischen und pathologischen Abbildungen, Grosser illustrirter hausthierarzt: Die verhütung und homöopathische, Homöopathisches Vademecum, De cholera en hare genezing door de homoeopathie, Le Cholera: querison prompte et sure par l’homeopathie, Preisliste des homöopathischen Etablissements, Kleiner illustrirter Hausthierarzt, Die Stellung der Homöopathie im Deutschen Reiche-Denkschrift, and his son Willmar Schwabe II 1878 - 1935 published ?wrote Homøopatisches Arzneibuch, Homoeopathy, biochemistry, approved pharmaceutical specialities, From our work in the sphere of homoeopathy: on the occasion of the international homoeopathic congress of Berlin 1937, Leitfaden für die homöopathische Praxis, Ein Leben im Dienste der Homöopathie, 60 Jahre im Dienste der Homöopathie: 1866-1926, Aus unserer Arbeit: den Freunden der Homöopathie und des Hauses Schwabe, Anwendung äußerlicher Mittel in der Homöopathie, Kurzgefaßtes Taschenrepertorium der wichtigsten homöopathischen,
Of Interest:
See also /archives/2009/11/04/adolf-salis-schwabe-1800-%E2%80%93-1853/